17 November 2020

I'm Now A Colour INKspiration Challenge Crew Member

 Hello and thanks for popping in!

No cards today but I have an exciting announcement to make.  The team over at Colour INKspirations Challenge have offered me a spot on their Design Team and of course I've accepted.



Absolutely thrilled and honoured to have been asked and I've received such a warm welcome from everyone. I started participating in this Challenge back in March as a way to create with different colour combinations that I wouldn't normally use.  It's been a wonderful journey so far and can't wait to continue creating as part of the Colour INKspirations Challenge Design Team.

Feel INKspired to join the challenge? It's so easy. Firstly, get some INKspiration by checking out all of the creations of the Colour INKspiration Crew in the challenge album on our Facebook page. Then you have 12 days from today to make and upload your creation to the Facebook Colour INKspiration Group. You don't have to have a blog to participate but if you do you can link back to your post. Make sure you use all of the challenge colours. You can also use neutrals such as Whisper White, Very Vanilla, Crumb Cake, Sahara Sand and Basic Black as well as Metallics.

Not a member of the Colour INKspiration Facebook group yet? Just click here and ask to join Colour INKspiration, add the group to your favourites and share it with your crafty friends so they can join in the fun too. We can't wait to see what you create with these gorgeous colours.


Take care and stay safe everyone and have a great day.
Monica xx
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